Diabetes Statistics

Recent estimates (IDF Diabetes Atlas) indicate that there are 382 million people living with diabetes worldwide.

By 2035, 592 million people or one person in ten will have the disease.

A further 316 million people are currently at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, with the number expected to increase to almost 500 million within a generation. What makes this pandemic particularly menacing is that throughout much of the world, it remains hidden. Up to half of all people with diabetes globally remain undiagnosed.

These facts and figures reiterate the importance of urgent action. Most cases of type 2 diabetes can be prevented and the serious complications of diabetes can be avoided through healthy lifestyles and living environments that encourage and facilitate healthy behaviour. (Source – International Diabetic Federation (“IDF”))

Regional Highlights


According to the statistic published by the Canadian Diabetic Association in The Globe and Mail of November 2010, there are 20+ people diagnosed with diabetes every hour of every day. The number of people living with diabetes and predisposed to diabetes is 9+ million. It is estimated that 700,000 have diabetes but are not yet diagnosed.


A Snapshot



Approximately 60 million people in the European Region have diabetes. Prevalence is increasing among all age groups in the region, mostly owing to increases in lifestyle-related risk factors.
